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Blog | Plumbing Professionals Near Me - Part 3

Local Plumber

Troubleshooting & DIY Repair Of Your Well Pump


If you own a home and get your water from a well, you should know that problems can hit at the worst possible time, and after-hours or weekend repairs can cost a small fortune. The most typical signs of a problem with a well include no water at all, pulsating water pressure, and a constantly running well pump.
If you are experiencing any of the following issues, there’s a good chance you can solve the problem yourself.

Check Power:

Check to see that the well switch near your pressure tank has not been switched off. Then check the well’s double-pole circuit breaker to see if it is tripped on if not reset it. If it keeps tripping, there may be a problem with the well pump and you may need to call a professional to take care of that issue.

Check Pressure Switch:

You’ll find the pressure switch mounted on a tube near the pressure tank. This is what senses that water pressure has dropped to the point where more water is needed for your home’s sprinkler system. If this switch is bad, it won’t work so your sprinklers will not turn on and your grass will most likely die. The first step in replacing this switch will require you to open up your well casing so that you can access the switch itself. Then, using a screwdriver, strike sharply against the pump’s wiring harness below the tension coil until it lights up – if it does light up then you know that the coil itself is good but that one of its connecting wires have suffered due to corrosion or oxidation damage.

If you find the pressure switch is malfunctioning, there are two things to test it with. You could test it to make sure that the wiring isn’t plugged into the wrong port, or you could check to make sure there aren’t any leaks in the tank (try increasing/decreasing the pressure). Fixing a faulty pressure switch is about $25; fixing a controller requires more time and will also run another $25 or so. Remember! To avoid damage to your water fountain’s parts, please be careful when working on them. Always do things when they’re turned off.

Quick Fix:

If banging or tapping the tube under the pressure switch, which controls a well pump, has been enough to turn it on and off, it means that either a) a poor connection is causing the metal surfaces of the bad electrical contacts to degrade over time or b) there is short circuit causing a continuous flow through those contacts. In either case, this will not last long.

Pump Controller:

To separate the pump control cover, remove the screw at the bottom and lift it off the box.
Take it to the store and purchase a replacement that is identical.
Attach the new cover to the old box with a snap (no need to rewire if you buy the same brand).
The pump should then be started.
A capacitor is housed in the pump controller to aid with the start-up of the pump. Most pump controls are located near the pressure tank in the house, but some are located inside the well pump itself, requiring a professional to repair. This remedy isn’t for you if you don’t have the box shown below.
Because there’s no way to test the controller, you’ll either have to risk losing $75 by replacing it with a decent one or hire a pro. It’s simple to replace the pump controller as illustrated here, and it’s your last, best chance to avoid a service call. If the pump still won’t start after replacing the pressure switch, we believe it’s worth the risk to replace the well pump controller.

Pressure Tank Air Valve

It’s important to check the air-valve to see if water is coming out. You can use a screwdriver or something else that you might have laying around. If the air valve looks like it’s rusty, then there’s probably an issue with your tank and you’re probably better off replacing it altogether. However, if everything checks out medially well, consider testing your tank again by filling the bathtub to make sure that it does actually function properly. If not, replace the tube (or medially well replace the tubing). Obviously no one wants to spend extra money unnecessarily on anything – especially something as expensive as plumbing – but often things like these can be fixed rather than buying a whole new replacement which could cost up to $200+.
To slightly rock the tank, press against the top.
It’s bad if you can’t rock it or if it feels top-heavy.
It should be drained and replaced.


Get Professional Help

If your pump is constantly running, there may not be a DIY solution. When a well pump is turned on, the pressure switch opens and closes with a clicking sound. If you hear a lot of clicking while there is no water running, you have an issue outside the house and will need to engage a professional.

It could be a damaged water line from the well to the home, a poor check valve right above the submersible pump at the bottom of the well, a bad connection leaving the well casing, or even a broken water line inside the well casing. Each of these issues necessitates the assistance of a professional. In southern Maine you can contact American Mechanical and Plumbing Services.

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Can You Flush Food Scraps Down the Toilet? (And Is It Safe?)


One thing we tend to avoid is food waste. Unfortunately, sometimes we just cannot avoid it. In such cases, we need to dispose of food scraps.

One thing that has most likely crossed your mind is getting this done by flushing. Sometimes, this might be an attempt to hide the fact that you’ve got leftovers. Alternatively, it might be an innocent attempt to just dispose of your food scraps due to the absence of garbage disposal.

Until now, you’ve never considered the implications of doing this. However, you’ve begun to question whether it is right. Well, we’ve all been there. And that’s why we’ve dedicated this article to you.

In this article, we’ll answer the question, can you flush food scraps down the toilet. We will then address other seemingly important questions. Dive in!

Is It Okay to Flush Food Scrap?

If you’ve been in the habit of flushing food scrap, then you’ve been doing something wrong. The fact is that it’s not okay, and you shouldn’t flush your food scraps down the toilet. 

We bet the next question you’re asking is why this is the case. Well, it’s very simple. While it might appear surprising, the reality is that your toilet pipes are quite narrow. In fact, they are too narrow to handle food scrap. In turn, this can cause loads of issues for your toilet pipes and plumbing. 

Also, although sometimes misconstrued, your food scraps don’t break down fast. You might find this shocking. However, it’s just reality. Unlike tissue and human waste, your food scrap takes quite a while to decompose

In turn, continually flushing them through your pipe means they are accumulating. Eventually, this will just lead to plumbing issues in your home.

You might just be wondering why this isn’t the case with your kitchen drain.

So, here’s the thing. If you’ve ever wondered about your plumbing system, you’ll realize one thing. And that’s the fact that your toilet drains and kitchen drain leads to one place. However, when it flows down through your kitchen drain, it does so in small pieces. In turn, this makes it difficult for clogging to occur.

On the other hand, when it comes to your toilet drain. They get let down in big chunks. In turn, this makes them more likely to get clogged. Remember that the pipes are narrow.

However, you’ve got to keep in mind that flushing crumbs aren’t the same as food scraps. Precisely, with crumbs, they’ll hardly be enough to accumulate and cause you any troubles. Now, the problems occur when you make this a habit. In such cases, the accumulation of food scraps that can damage your plumbing system becomes possible.

Food Items That You Should Not Flush Down the Toilet

In case you’re not convinced, here’s a list of some food items you shouldn’t even risk flushing.

1. Oil and Fat

The first thing that comes to your mind is that it’s liquid. As such, you shouldn’t have any trouble flushing it. However, you’re wrong. Typically, this category of food items hardens after cooling. 

In turn, they congeal within your sewer. This then restricts the flow of sewage. Even worse, they gather dirt over time to form fatbergs. This can then cause a wide range of problems for your plumbing system. 

2. Hard Food Scraps 

You also don’t want to flush hard food scraps. This is because they break down slowly. And like we already stated, they’ll create significant problems for you during this period. 

These food items include animal bones, apple cores, and corn cons. They don’t decompose anytime soon. As such, they function as fodders for fatbergs. In turn, they’ll jam up your sewer lines in no time. Your best bet is to ensure that you place them in the garbage can.

3. Grains

Don’t flush grains inside the toilet. This is because of its capacity to clog your toilet. Precisely, with grains like oats, rice, and other grains, when you flush them, thanks to the intake of water, they keep expanding. In turn, this leaves you at risk of clogging.

4. Starchy Foods

Most starchy foods create a gelatinous obstruction that can cause damage to your sewer system. As such, you want to avoid flushing down starchy foods into your sewer.

Is It Safe to Flush Soup Down the Toilet?

Now that you know for sure that you shouldn’t consider flushing down your food scraps, you might still be curious. And that’s if the same rule applies to your soup. We understand that this is quite important because it’s easy to believe soups are liquid and shouldn’t pose any problem. 

Unfortunately, you would be mistaken to flush your soup in most cases. This is because the same rule applies to food items, especially fat and oil, which applies here. Precisely, your soup might be greasy. In such a situation, it will get all sticky in your sewage system.

Then, the result is simple. The soup thickens within your sewer. This then restricts the flow of sewage. Even worse, they gather dirt over time to form fatbergs. This can then cause a wide range of problems for your plumbing system. So, it is advisable not to flush soup down the toilet.

However, where it’s not greasy and doesn’t contain other solid materials like bones, you shouldn’t have any problem. This is because it’s a liquid substance, and your toilet was designed to take even solid substance.

Of course, we advise you to flush twice in a case where you’ve to soup flushed down your toilet. This way, you don’t take any chances with clogging your toilet. Believe it; it’s not a chance you want to take.

What Happens If You Flush Food Down the Toilet?

question might be in your mind. And that’s is what happens when you do so. We understand that this is very important if you must understand why you shouldn’t flush food scraps. As such, we’ve taken our time to address the question. 

So, if you decide to flush your food scraps down the toilet, here’s what you can expect.

The most significant result of flushing your food scraps down the toilet is clogging. And believe us, this is a very bad idea for you and your neighbors. Now, what does this mean?

This is a situation where the food residue in your toilet pipe stops the proper flow of water and sewage. Precisely, by depositing a large amount of food residue in your toilet pipes, they continue to accumulate. Now, remember that they do not break down as fast as human waste. Even worse, some swell in contact with water.

As such, they remain in your pipes for weeks. And they continue to attach to other substances that find its way into your pipe. This is even worse where you flush sticky food items. Over the next couple of weeks, the residue increases significantly in size and continues to take more space.

The problem then occurs that as it takes more space, it is difficult for waste to pass through. Even worse, it makes it easier for waste to get attached to it, which increases its size exponentially.

Now, when it gets so big, it fills up the whole pipe. At this stage, it becomes impossible for any waste to pass through it. This is also the case with water. As such, when you flush your toilet, rather than have the waste go down, what you experience is the opposite. In such a case, you’ll find the waste coming back up and possibly flooding your toilet.

We best you don’t want that. So, that’s why you must avoid flushing food waste down through your toilet. Again, it causes clogging, which is bad news.

Do Toilets Eventually Unclog Themselves? 

Another thing on your mind is if the clog you’re experiencing would leave itself. Well, it’s a valid question. However, there’s no one answer to that. The general fact is that a toilet can unclog itself. However, this depends on two factors that we’ll consider below.

The first is the material that caused the clog. In cases where you have a biodegradable material, your toilet can unclog itself. This is because it will break down over time. However, if it is not biodegradable, it might be impossible for it to unclog itself.

In this case, since food scraps can break down, it might be possible for it to unclog, only that it takes time. However, you’ll need to avoid more food scraps.

The next factor is the size of the clog. Typically, where the clog isn’t so big, it’s easier for it to unclog itself. However, in cases where it’s big and completely covers the pipe, it might be harder.

So, a combination of these factors will determine if a toilet will unclog itself.

How to Unclog Toilet If Gets Clogged Due To Food Scrap?

Like you already know, if you keep flushing food scraps, you’ll get your toilet clogged. The great thing is that this isn’t the end of the world. You can easily do something about it to get your home back in order.

Typically, you can address this yourself or call a professional. We advise that you try to address the issue yourself. If you fail to see changes or remedy the situation, you can get a professional to get to work. 

So, if you decide to try fixing it all by yourself, here’s what you should do. 

Your best bet in such a situation is to get the lid off your toilet tank. Afterward, flush the toilet. Typically, you might get a situation where the water begins to rise within the toilet bowl. 

Now, where this occurs, you need to lift the float ball to limit the water. You can then put off the water at your toilet’s base. Now, once this gets done, get a plunger. Note that it would be best to get the deep-cup option rather than the shallow-cup plunger.

Once you get it, use it to force water through your pipes. This should typically clear the clog. However, in a case where it doesn’t, it means that the clog is far deeper than you can imagine. It’s at this stage that our second recommendation becomes relevant.

So, simply get across to the plumber for professional help. They know what to do. Even more, they have the necessary tools like scoops and cutters, to get through deeper clogs.

Final Thoughts

It appears almost normal that you empty your food scraps into the toilet and flush it. However, the reality is that it’s far from normal. As you have seen, it causes a wide range of issues to your plumbing. Eventually, you’ll end up spending a considerable amount of money on getting it back in good condition.

As such, you want to avoid flushing food scraps in your toilet. There are various alternative options. You can refrigerate the leftovers. You can also pack them properly and dispose of them in the garbage can. And most importantly, you can compost them.

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plumbing professional

Did you know the United States faces a shortage of experienced labor professionals as many people reach retirement age? And plumbers are among those professionals in short supply. If you want a career that values leadership, collaborative teamwork, and complex problem solving, it’s time to look at the plumbing profession.

Check out five reasons to choose a career in plumbing.

1. Job Stability in Plumbing

Reasons to Become a Plumber - Alpha Tradesmen Academy

Plumbers are part of an essential workforce that can’t be outsourced to countries like Mexico or China. When people need plumbers, they often really need them. The heat is out, the toilet is stopped up, or a self-repair went wildly awry. These are the times when plumbers seem like heroes. And if you’re good at what you do, you’ll almost always find employment.

2. Independence as a Plumber

Plumbing Services | Independence Plumber Services

Once you’re a licensed plumber, you’ll a lot of autonomy on the job. When you work for someone else, your job will be to get it done. In a commercial setting, that means doing your part while you work as part of a team. But if you work in residential plumbing, you’ll probably have a van to use. You’ll go to someone’s home, assess the work, perform installations and repairs, and work directly with the client. You’ll do your work independently. You may also have jobs on the side where you work for yourself. And someday, you could start your own plumbing business, giving you, even more, independence and flexibility.

3. Advancement Opportunities for Plumbers

Top 5 Reasons To Become A Plumber – The District Weekly

When you first start out, you’ll work under the supervision of a contractor plumber. But you don’t want to be someone’s apprentice forever. You want more! Depending upon your state’s requirements, you’ll be able to sit for an exam that could help advance your career. For example, the plumbing license rules in the state of Connecticut require that you complete a registered apprenticeship program or have equivalent experience and training before you take the journeyperson exam. Passing that exam is a key milestone for your professional development. After two years as a journeyperson, you can sit for the contractor license exam. The more you learn, the more you could earn.

4. Personal and Professional Satisfaction in the Plumbing Profession

As a plumber, you’ll keep your mind and body active through exciting problem solving and physical requirements. You’ll also feel the satisfaction of working in a respected and worthy profession that protects the health and safety of the community by delivering clean water and proper sanitation services. And you’ll have an actual career, not just a job.

5. Plumbing Is a People-Facing Profession

Reasons For Hiring a Professional Plumber - E-Van

Don’t want to sit in an office all day? A career in plumbing can offer you the benefits of a varied work environment where you’ll meet and interact with new people every day. How are your people skills? With a friendly attitude and excellent customer service, you can build your clientele and your career.

If you like to find creative solutions to problems and work with your hands, a career in plumbing may be right for you. And through hard work, dedication, and industry professionalism, you could grow your career from field technician to supervisor and more. Check out the Plumber Training Program at Porter and Chester Institute in Connecticut today.

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In need of plumbing services for your home or office? For many decades, Plumbing Professionals has been proudly serving locals with all their residential and commercial plumbing needs. We offer the best price and the best service! As the leading plumbing company in Birmingham, AL, and the surrounding metro area, our team can quickly and professionally handle all your plumbing service needs.

Plumbing Professionals offers expert local service, extended service schedule, and upfront pricing. No job is too large or small for our dedicated team. We can take care of the following:

  • General Plumbing
  • Drain Cleaning
  • Water Heater Repair
  • Sewer Camera Inspection
  • Sewer Line Repair
  • Water Line Repair
  • Gas Line Repair
  • Water Filtration


When you need a plumber in Birmingham to take care of your residential plumbing needs, take a look at the services that Plumbing Professionals provides. We can take care of a wide range of plumbing projects, including planned projects and emergency services. If you’re having problems with your sewer line, we can help you by providing sewer line services, including tree root removal. We also service water heaters and install tankless water heaters, which actually heat the water as you need it so that you don’t run out of hot water. We also service other major appliances, such as dishwashers, water softeners, and garbage disposals. We can help you with installing your toilets, sinks, and other plumbing fixtures. We can also assess your home if you believe that you have a gas leak. Then, we’ll repair or replace the appliance that’s leaking.


Competently performing commercial plumbing services throughout Birmingham and the surrounding areas, Plumbing Professionals knows how to get your plumbing problem solved as quickly and as efficiently as possible. 

When you’re a business owner, you need a full-service plumbing company that understands your needs. We understand that you need speedy service so that your customers and clients aren’t inconvenienced and your building is running smoothly as quickly as possible. We work on a variety of types of properties, including churches, hospitals, retail centers, hotels, restaurants, office buildings, schools and universities, apartment buildings, condominiums, hotels, and government buildings. No matter if you’re serving students, tenants, guests, parishioners, or any other group of people, we’re here to serve you and make your life as simple as possible.

We also provide a range of services, including sewer line replacement and repair, water heater installation and repair, and water softener maintenance and installation. We can also fix and replace your toilets, sinks, and faucets if you’re doing renovations or simply need a utility sink fixed so that it’s in operating order. We also do trenchless sewer line repairs, which can save you thousands of dollars because you’ll avoid the need to landscape a large portion of your property like you would with a traditional sewer line replacement. With our video inspections, our full-service plumbing company will be able to assess where broken pipes or blockages lie within your pipes. Then, with our hydro jetting services, we’ll be able to shoot powerful streams of water into your pipes to dislodge everything from hair clogs to tree roots in your main line. Finally, we also provide backflow prevention and other routine system maintenance.


  • Hoover, AL
  • Mountain Brook, ALBirmingham, AL

We provide solutions to a variety of plumbing problems. Plumbing Professionals serves the following areas:

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Top Four Areas of Your Home Where Plumbing Concerns Often Arise

Plumbing runs throughout most of your home and into the surrounding landscape. But everywhere you can find pipes, valves, connections and taps, you may also find plumbing concerns. These four areas of your property are often the center of such concerns, and deserve a watchful eye to pre-empt issues and stop leaks or deterioration before it happens.

Bathroom and Kitchen


Since these areas of your home have the most concentrated amount of plumbing, it makes sense that more plumbing issues can be found in the bathroom and kitchen. From leaky pipes to clogged drains and broken taps, constant wear and pressure leave your plumbing fixtures and pipes vulnerable to problems.

Remember to watch for small amounts of water in these rooms, collecting where it should not. Even small leaks leave a mark, and water stains, puddles and soggy or spongy building materials are a sure sign of plumbing issues.

You may have heard horror stories about burst pipes in the bathroom or a leaky dishwasher in the kitchen. These issues can leave you with a massive repair bill and ongoing problems with mold and mildew. But many of these problems grow over time, and wise homeowners can stop big problems with a keen eye and careful repairs.

Always have a licensed plumber look after your plumbing unless it is a very straightforward job, such as replacing a bathroom or kitchen faucet. Running new pipes or installing new fixtures during a bathroom renovation or kitchen remodel are all jobs for a professional plumber. It may cost you more at the outset, but a skilled installation will dramatically cut down the risk of future problems.

Also, have a plumber inspect and repair leaks right away. Shut off the water and avoid using your bathroom or kitchen once a leak has been detected. Have the plumber out to take a look and book the repair as soon as possible. The short time of inconvenience can save you long periods of repairs and replacement later on, should a major problem occur.

Water Heater

Your water heater is another area where leaks and problems commonly occur. This large metal tank holds a significant amount of water every day, and contains heating elements and various connections to distribute that water. Corrosion takes a toll after about six to eight years. From that point on you will typically begin to see the unit deteriorate or notice a problem with the electrical components.

Water Heater Installation - Bay Area Plumbing
Water Heater

If your unit will not produce hot water, take a look at the heating element or thermostat. These components often wear out before the tank does, and replacement is fairly straightforward and affordable.

Sediment build up can cause problems inside the unit, resulting in knocking sounds or foul odors. Your plumber may replace the unit or simply drain the tank and flush it out. This process could extend the life of your hot water tank and improve efficiency.

When considering an upgrade, talk to your plumber about tankless water heaters or solar water heaters, both options that can reduce your heating costs and prolong the life of this plumbing system.

Sewer or Septic

An essential part of your plumbing, the sewer or septic system directs waste away from your home. A septic system lasts for many years, but requires regular maintenance and pumping. Plan to pump out your septic tank at least every two years and have the system inspected and assessed when adding or altering plumbing fixtures during a renovation.

Septic tanks vs. sewers: our plumbers in Doncaster explain the difference!  - H2Pro

Some systems include a pump to provide optimum flow for liquids, and a faulty pump requires immediate attention. Have the solids manually pumped from the tank and replace or repair the smaller pump to reduce the risk of overflow and damage.

Sewer systems are designed and managed by your local municipality, but the sewer line from your plumbing to the main line can be a source of concern. Avoid flushing solid objects down the toilet and clean out your drains on a regular basis to reduce the risk of clogging in this vital pipe.

Sewer back ups can be caused by excess water in the main line, flash flooding or clogged pipes. Although you cannot do much about the first two, it pays to be careful about your own drains in order to lessen the chance of a back up happening as a result of the last issue.

Outdoor Plumbing

Leaks and broken pipes in your outdoor plumbing systems tend to flood the yard, but that water can easily find its way into your basement and result in major damage. A broken valve or frozen hose bib can result in water flowing freely into your finished basement. Make sure that your outdoor plumbing is drained and turned off for the cold winter months, and replace any broken valves and connections before a major leak occurs.

How to Hide Exterior Plumbing Pipes - Eyman Plumbing Heating & Air

Leaky plumbing in your sprinkler system could erode your landscape and wash away patio bases and garden soil. Repairs after this type of plumbing issue can be very expensive. Stay on top of regular maintenance and have your irrigation system serviced in spring and fall to reduce the risk of leaks in your outdoor plumbing.

Plumbing issues and leaks can occur in almost any area of your home, although several deserve your focus. Always hire a licensed plumber to look after repairs and plumbing concerns in your kitchen and bathroom and keep a close eye on your water heater, especially if the unit is more than six years old. Your septic system requires regular maintenance as well, and clogged drainage pipes should be cleared out to avoid dangerous sewer back ups. Problems with your outdoor plumbing may result in a flooded basement, while leaks in an irrigation system can erode and destroy landscaping. Act quickly if any of these plumbing concerns arises in your home and trust your plumber to handle repairs professionally

.Posted by: diana

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professional drain cleaning

Posted at 08:20h in Plumbing by Jake Serota

Are you ready to keep your home healthy for the long run? Are you looking for a service that doesn’t put a hole in your wallet and gets the job done? 

If you have any kind of unsolved issue with your draining system, you need professional drain cleaning to make a difference. Even the most basic blockages can lead to big problems for your home, so why not fix them from the start? 

If you’re looking for the true benefits of a professional drain cleaner, keep reading to learn more.   


Drain blockages are a reoccurring problem for most homes and lead to a less healthy home and drainage system. When you hire a professional drain cleaner, you can quickly remove blockages from your system with technology you can’t get your hands on. 

Moreover, a professional can assess the degree of blockages you’re dealing with. Otherwise, it is difficult to gauge the severity of blocked plumbing and adjacent piping. You can hire a drain cleaning service to routinely weigh your problems and prevent future blockages. 


When your drain is stopped, your house is susceptible to awful odors and smells that arise from your sewage system. Additionally, drain odors are an indication that you might have worse issues to deal with such as dangerous particles in the air.

Before you hire a professional, go through a check-list to try eliminating the smell. Start by flushing, rinsing, and using drain cleaner for all your relevant appliances. If the smell you started with continues, it’s a good idea to hire a drain cleaning company to solve your problem. 


If you routinely maintain your drainage system you are at less risk of paying for bigger problems down the line. A professional drain cleaner can help you save money on future costs. Simply put, finding a worker you can trust to come by and clean your drains keeps you from having to put down large sums of cash for major plumbing problems. 

Here are some issues that commonly arise when you don’t maintain your drainage health. 

  1. Burst pipes
  2. Higher water bills
  3. Water contamination 
  4. Corroded drainage systems 

If you have trees around your home there’s a chance you might have tree limbs stuck in your drain. As with the previous points, a professional can help you spot this and save you from issues caused by your surrounding area. 


All of our drain cleaning specialists are certified to use high-grade equipment and clean your plumbing system. This not only means a safer home for you but a safer solution along the way. 

Moreover, one of the main problems behind draining issues is the cleaning supplies you use. Many store-bought products can add wear and tear to your plumbing, resulting in big scares later on. A cleaning professional only uses products that are proven to improve the safety of your house for years to come. 


Drain cleaning services use technology that you can’t easily purchase anywhere else. For example, our company uses the Hydrojet drain cleaner to clear up sewer lines and drains. The Hydrojet is a specialized high-pressure hose that blasts away blockages and other residue. 

The Hydrojet is fully portable and comes with connectors for almost any drain outlet. Once applied to a drain, the Hydrojet can blast in many directions to get rid of unnecessary clogs. 

Additionally, our services offer drain snake unclogging to ensure your drains and plumbing keep running smoothly. 

By choosing a service team you can trust, you save money on time and the right equipment to keep your home running properly. Otherwise, you might spend hundreds of dollars on the wrong piece of equipment and still have problems left to fix. 


When you choose a professional service, you’re supporting a local business with a known reputation and listed skill-set. If you trying fixing your draining yourself, you won’t know for certain if the work you’re doing is a longterm solution. By choosing a reviewed cleaner, you can be more certain that the work you’ll receive is a credible and viable solution. 

Our service intends to provide customers with several forms of drain and plumbing resolutions, including active walkthroughs of problem areas in your household. If you choose a credible source, you’re more likely to receive good tips and advice for the rest of your plumbing system as well. 


Home plumbing lasts longer with routine care. You can contact a team of professionals to regularly come by and fix your draining system to make this happen. 

Additionally, our professionals can predict with a high degree of certainty your exact plumbing issues and how much time you need between visits. The collected patterns of trusted service and routine care ensures that your home plumbing doesn’t break down over time. 


You want to keep your house healthy for as long as possible. To accomplish this and much more, it’s important that you start with regular maintenance and repair. By keeping the basic elements of your house in check, you prevent future issues from arising. 

Want to keep your home at its best? Hire a professional drain cleaning service to get the job done. 

Now that you know what sets a professional service apart from your other options, it’s your time to get the best help money can buy. Go ahead and find a cleaner near you with the experience and skill to improve your home. 

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Choosing the Right Plumber

As with any service professional, choosing the right plumber can be a difficult task. Plumbing work is never cheap, and when you need a plumber, you often find yourself in a negative mood. Still, when the pipes are clogged, the toilet overflows, and the shower just won’t work, you need someone to turn to.

Ideally, a homeowner would have a go-to plumber before ever needing one, but in reality, this is usually not the case. When you do find the need for a plumber though, take your time and don’t let emotion influence your choice. If you examine your decision thoughtfully, you can get the best value possible and not feel like you were completely taken advantage of.


bestpriceplumbingrva.com - bestpriceplumbingrva Resources and Information.

Of course, price is one of the most important considerations for any major project. For some people, this is the only thought that comes to mind, which can lead to more trouble down the road. The old adage that “you get what you pay for” often rings true in the plumbing world. Just hiring someone based on having the lowest price will often result in more and more plumbing bills down the road. If you hired based on other factors, you might have avoided all these future problems.


Where price ends, quality begins. Having a low price is great, and when you are sure quality is equal, you definitely want to go with the price. On the other hand, quality needs to be your number one concern when dealing with a plumber. The reason for this is that low-price, low-quality plumbers are just going to cost more in the long run.

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You are better off paying a plumber once to do the job right than hiring a cheap plumber ten times to get the job done. When looking for a plumber, look for someone who is a professional in their industry, not someone who just comes out, fixes the issue and leaves. Usually, a short conversation with a potential candidate can tell you enough to judge the quality of his work.


Sometimes not considered, having a punctual plumber can be a very important deciding factor. If you call a plumber, leave a message, and don’t get a response until the next day, it can be very off-putting. Similarly, if you call a plumber and he tells you he’ll be there between 1 and 2 but doesn’t show up until 3, that is simply unacceptable.

The Top 10 Qualities of a Good Plumber

Before making a major plumbing decision, make sure you are working with someone who is punctual. If you want to really get great service, go beyond just having that person be on time. A really exceptional plumber will tell you what time he’ll be there and get there 10 minutes early. When you call a company and they give you a 6 hour window, you may want to reconsider.


Knowing you’ve found someone you can trust can be tough, but the best place to start is to look at reviews. The internet is full of great places to get reviews, and if you used the internet to find the plumber in the first place, the site you found them on probably had reviews to begin with. Rather than just trusting one site though, look at various reviews from different websites that have a good reputation of screening reviews – like TrustedPros :).

Get a real measure of what the company represents and how their cost versus their quality of work. Remember to look for details in a review, as vague reviews just saying something like “The best plumber ever!” can often be manufactured. When a review includes personal details and some real thought, you’ll know it is real.

Compare the positive and negative reviews. Unhappy people are twice as likely to post a review online, so keep this in mind if you are unsure. Sometimes a negative review is not negative towards the company, but just shows the buyer’s frustration over the situation. After all, no one wants to need a plumber.

Warranties & Certifications

For plumbers, there are a few key certifications to consider when looking at their materials. Plumbers themselves should have specific certificates they have earned, but also consider the fixtures they are installing. Some of these include water sense, CSA, cUPC, NSF 14, UL Plumbing Mark, and WQA Certification Mark. Make sure that whatever materials are being used for your plumbing work passes Canadian standards.

Also, make sure that whoever you are looking at has warranties and guaranties. If someone is not willing to back his work, that person is not someone worth working with.

Overall Value

How to Easily Quote & Estimate Pluming Jobs - Plumbing Pricing Guide

Once you have assessed all of these variables, you can really put together an idea of what the overall value of this plumber is. Remember not to leave out any variables, and to really assess the skills and costs of a plumber before choosing to hire him. Upon successfully determining a company’s overall value, you can begin to compare and make the best-informed decision.


The last step to assessing a plumber and deciding whether he is the right one for you is to compare him to other plumbers. The best prepared home owner is one that has a go to plumber, electrician, handyman, tree guy, lawn care expert, etc. With that in mind, pick out a plumber that you can use for the rest of your time in that home.

Look at multiple options and consider their advantages and disadvantages. Look at the positive and negative reviews, consider how quickly they responded and how exact a time they gave you, consider the quality of their work, and then consider price. Once everything is sorted out, really examine the different options side by side.

Plumbing is a service industry, so don’t be afraid to be a harsh critic. With the cost of plumbing repairs, it pays to know you can consistently have someone to trust with your plumbing needs. Once you have evaluated all options, make the choice and stick to it. Long-term relationships with service professionals can have unspoken perks.

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Tips on Planning the Rough Plumbing In Your Home Renovation

Here's What You Can DIY—And What You Should Leave for a Contractor

Planning ahead is a wise move in any home improvement. When plumbing is concerned, planning becomes a necessity. Whether you’re at the budgeting stage or are trying to compile an accurate material list for a DIY plumbing project, planning out the rough plumbing is an important step.

You’ll need to make some decisions on the type of materials used, the location of various elements in the system, and the basic layout of the plumbing itself. If you’re putting in most or all of the system yourself this plan will be an essential tool. And even if you are hiring a professional plumber to come in you can use the plan to supervise more effectively.

How to Make Good Material Decisions

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It’s still up for debate between plumbers and others in the industry, but in general the newer plastic designs within your supply plumbing do not measure up to the quality seen in copper plumbing. Remember though that copper pipes need to be soldered together during installation. Often in DIY projects this could pose a difficulty, but if you have hired a pro copper plumbing won’t be a problem at all.

PEX is another choice in supply lines. This composite-type product offers decent durability and can be attached without the need to solder. Plumbers and home handymen alike are opting for PEX products in their home plumbing.

For the drainage and vent pipes, your only choice should be ABS, which is a rigid plastic that requires special glue for all attachments. Make a note of where your ABS venting is and avoid hanging shelving and pictures in those locations, so as not to puncture the plumbing and release noxious gases into the house.

Cover the Three Elements For Today and In the Future

There are three main components of your plumbing system: water supply, drainage and venting. Draw out a rough plan showing each of these three elements and don’t forget to include for future plans of expansion.

If you will be in need of another bathroom or should be replacing your standard tub shower with something a little more luxurious, be sure the rough plumbing will account for it. The size and location of each pipe in the plan should take all of the eventualities into play.

Plan for a Water Inlet System

Recirculating hot water for a 1920 house | Hot water, Water pipes, Water  plumbing

Engineering and design play a major role in plumbing. To provide the optimum performance and safety in your home, turn to the specifications required in local building code. It may be that air chambers are needed at each fixture. This is generally a 10 to 12 inch chamber that extends above the fixture. It is simply covered with a plug cap, but serves as a way to eliminate water hammering. This condition is usually a result of variations in pressure as the taps open and close and an air inlet chamber is the best way to get rid of that.

A design for your rough plumbing will come in handy during many stages of a major home improvement project. If you are tackling the plumbing yourself a detailed design will help you have a better material list. If you’re bringing in the pros this sketch of the supply, drainage, and venting pipes will give you a good idea of what’s happening and can help you to be a better and more satisfied customer. Either way, a design of your rough plumbing is well worth the time and effort.

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The Perfect Licensed Journeyman Plumber for the Job; Screening and Hiring Tips

Requiring licensed journeyman plumber services at some point is inevitable. Old pipes become corroded, producing plumbing problems. And new plumbing fixtures freeze, creating plumbing emergencies that only certified plumbing professionals can handle.

Locating a licensed plumber when your plumbing system needs work isn’t the problem; yellow pages are bursting with advertisements. The challenge is in finding a good affordable plumber with the skills and expertise required.

Finding reputable certified plumbing professionals who will do the job right at the right price is a priority for any business or homeowner. This is true whether you have common plumbing problems, need basic home plumbing repairs, or require new home plumbing system installation. Avoid hiring just any plumber you connect with!

Even common plumbing problems like pipe leaks can end up costing hundreds or thousands of dollars in unnecessary damage, if repairs are not handled accurately. Creating considerable inconvenience for dwelling occupants. Shoddy workmanship, incorrect plumbing procedures, unsuitable new plumbing fixtures, or not identifying the origins of even common plumbing problems can result in a waste of time, energy, and money.

Want to increase your chances of hiring a good affordable plumber who is reputable? Then don’t hire just any plumber. Screen candidates to find qualified certified plumbing professionals for your home plumbing repairs. The handy bulleted list below offers tips on

how to avoid hiring just any plumber.

  • The residential plumber you hire should be a licensed journeyman plumber, or other licensed plumbing professional. Never hire just any plumber for your home plumbing system needs. Note: due to business and home plumbing system work health and safety risks, most states mandate service providers are certified plumbing professionals.
  • Make sure the affordable plumber you hire is an insured licensed plumber. Note: reputable plumbing professionals should have at least $500,000 in liability insurance. A certified master plumber with hired helpers should also have a Worker’s Compensation policy.
  • The licensed journeyman plumber or other type licensed plumber hired should have the skills and experience that best meet your needs. Note: for instance, if you want to install innovative new plumbing fixtures or a more efficient plumbing system, eco-friendly plumbers might be perfect. For home plumbing repairs requiring an outdoor sprinkler system, a licensed master plumber or landscape contractor is required.
  • Ask family, friends, co-workers, and neighbors for good affordable plumber referrals. Word of mouth is a great way to find a reliable licensed journeyman plumber! Note: get referrals for reliable certified plumbing professionals for remodeling from local real estate agents. Apartment complex managers often know a good affordable plumber!
  • Check the Internet for consumer reviews on area certified plumbing professionals. Checking licensed plumbing professional directories online can also help determine which candidates are eco-friendly plumbers, which are experienced working on plumbing problems drain pipe issues, etc. Note: when researching online, go to your favorite search engine and type in the words “residential plumber” or “licensed journeyman plumber” along with the name of your city.
  • To fairly compare residential plumber rates, provide each candidate with identical descriptions of the home plumbing repairs required; include full details in writing. Request from each licensed plumber candidate a quote in writing, itemizing all costs. A reputable licensed journeyman plumber will provide a free quote without job guarantee. Note: Insist on quotes from certified plumbing professionals. Bids can change and are non-binding.
  • Ask the licensed plumbing professional questions pertinent to your home plumbing repairs project. A good residential plumber will diagnose home plumbing problems promptly and professionally. Note: in addition to questions about home plumbing problems, consider future plumbing emergencies. Ask plumbing professionals whether they offer 24-hour service for urgent home plumbing repairs. If you are a business owner, ask if they are experienced in residential and commercial / multifamily home plumbing system piping.
  • If the home plumbing repairs required is involved, make sure the licensed journeyman plumber will restore water service at the end of each workday. Otherwise, you will feel as though you live in a construction zone. Note: also ensure certified plumbing professionals clean up the work site at the end of each day. Make certain this service is included in their plumber rates price quote.

Have the licensed journeyman plumber you hire provide a plumbing quote in writing. For involved plumbing services, demand a formal plumber contract agreement outlining all aspects of the business or home plumbing system, new plumbing fixtures, or home plumbing problems project. Note: the plumber contract agreement must be signed by both the licensed plumbing professional and project owner to be binding.

Protect your home plumbing system investment. Don’t hire just any plumber for business or home plumbing repairs. Or to handle a plumbing emergency that could end up costing considerably more if not handled efficiently the first time. Screen all candidates beforehand to ensure you hire only reliable certified plumbing professionals. And greatly enhance your chance of successful home plumbing system installation or hot water heater repair, at reasonable plumber rates.

Handy Tip: before connecting with a licensed journeyman plumber for hot water heater repair or replacement, know the age, type, model, and maintenance history of your current water heater. Also, make a list of home plumbing system or appliance performance concerns. List any questions you have, such as how to cut down on energy costs or better conserve on water; questions an eco-friendly plumber will be happy to answer. Advance preparations like these will save time and omit the risk of forgetting important points. And will minimize the screening process as you search for a good affordable plumber that is also skilled and reliable.

Final Tips Before Hiring a Residential Plumber

Once you have a list of at least 3 – 5 strong licensed journeyman plumber candidates, interview each individually. Ask pertinent residential plumber questions for the type home plumbing repairs required. Consider the following:

  • Is journeyman plumber licensing and insurance up-to-date? Will it remain so for the duration of the plumbing project?
  • If the candidate is a certified master plumber with a work crew, do they have Worker’s Compensation? Are all crew members licensed and insured?
  • Do the certified plumbing professionals take their occupation seriously? Do they dress professionally; in uniform with company name, and I.D. badge or a business card in-hand?
  • Does the licensed plumbing professional offer 24-hour emergency service? Will you be given a cell number, so the licensed journeyman plumber can be reached after office hours?
  • Is the licensed plumber knowledgeable about multifamily plumbing systems?
  • Does the licensed plumber explain available options for new plumbing fixtures, and the benefits and drawbacks of each?
  • Are certified plumbing professionals members of the Better Business Bureau (BBB)?
  • What specialized services do the eco-friendly plumber or journeyman plumber provide? Are plumber rates higher for these services?
  • Do residential plumber candidates utilize video cameras to more efficiently inspect plumbing fixtures for hidden leaks or problems?
  • Is the candidate an eco-friendly plumber? If so, ask what particulars qualify him/her as eco-minded.
  • Does the licensed journeyman plumber keep their service vehicle well-stocked? Does the plumbing professional charge for going to the store to acquire new plumbing fixtures and parts?
  • Do the certified plumbing professionals charge for overtime? If so, what are the overtime plumber rates?
  • Do residential plumber candidates work for a drug-free company, requiring thorough background checks and random drug tests of employees?

How does the licensed plumbing professional answer when asked “How can you promote the long-term health of my home plumbing system?

What advice do plumbing professional candidates give about conventional rooter services? Note: typical rooter services may provide a temporary fix, but often does not address the problem’s root cause. Whereas an eco-friendly plumber or licensed journeyman plumber has the skill to repair plumbing problems drain pipe, interior plumbing sewer pipes, and external sewer lines – without disrupting your landscape or home. Also, rooter service provider expertise is usually confined to rooting services and techniques. While a residential plumber and other certified plumbing professionals are highly skilled in regards to all aspects of home plumbing systems. Including home plumbing problems large and small, and sewer and waste system piping and design.

In addition to the above, listen carefully and pay attention to licensed plumber responses:

  • Does the residential plumber seem knowledgeable about methods of business and home plumbing repairs and maintenance?
  • Does the journeyman plumber offer complete, informative responses to questions, or hem, haw, and side-track?
  • What about licensed plumber rates? Is he/she a good affordable plumber? Are plumber rates within the same ballpark quoted by other certified plumbing professionals for same type services?
  • What about licensed plumber rates? Is he/she a good affordable plumber? Are plumber rates within the same ballpark quoted by other certified plumbing professionals for same type services?
  • Are licensed plumber candidates polite, courteous, and accommodating when responding to questions? Or do they appear disinterested, impatient, or annoyed?

While you don’t want to wear out the licensed plumber interview, or unnecessarily waste their time and yours, you don’t want to hire just any plumber. You need ample information to determine which contenders are most suitable for your business or home plumbing repairs project.

Pass over just any plumber candidates that don’t meet your criteria. Request from remaining certified plumbing professionals proof of licensing and insurance. And acquire recent client referral references, including contact information.

Once alone, verify credentials and references to ensure everything checks out. Also check to discover whether formal complaints exist against the licensed plumbing professional. Connect with such resources as the BBB, Office of Consumer Affairs and Business Regulation (OCABR), state labor board, and state department of licensing.

Once you have made a final selection, meet with the licensed journeyman plumber of choice. Go over all aspects of the home plumbing repairs project in detail, including plumber rates. Get everything in writing, within a formal plumber contract agreement; before signing anything, or beginning work. Handy Tip: a plumber contract agreement should clearly outline the plumbing project in detail. Including licensed plumbing professional and project owner contact information, plumber credentials, location of work site, job details, materials required, material cost breakdown, plumber rates, required permits, and a timeline when plumbing system work will begin and end. Certified plumbing professionals and project owners should each retain identical copies of the plumber contract agreement.

One last thought. Even a detailed plumber contract agreement is rendered worthless for legal purposes, unless dated and signed by both the licensed journeyman plumber and the project owner.

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Top Plumbing Companies in Bradenton Florida – Know The Benefits Of Hiring Plumbers

Understanding the plumbing system is a complicated task for the homeowners as they are unaware of its working and hence if you find any issues with this system, you should never attempt to carry on the repairs work yourself. This work should be left to the professional plumbers who have the experience and skills for undertaking this task. Therefore, when you experience plumbing problems like clogged drains, busted pipes, leaking pipes, overflowing sink or any other issue; you should contact the top plumbing companies for the best quality services. This is the best option for you because these professional plumbers in Bradenton, FL  have experience in the most difficult jobs and your issues will be fixed immediately so that you will not face any kind of inconvenience. Moreover, you will also get a guarantee for the work accomplished by these plumbers so that you can rest assured that you will never face the same issue again in the future when it has been repaired by professional plumbers.

There are many advantages of hiring plumbers from the top plumbing companies and the most important advantage is that they will use the best tools and equipment that is needed for completing the plumbing work in the most efficient manner. Moreover, you can contact them at any time of the day or even during the night for dealing with emergency plumbing problems that might arise without prior notice. Thus you will get quick service from these plumbers who are always ready to help you with dealing with all kind of plumbing issues so that you will get reliable and trustworthy services. You should not hire any random person for the plumbing task, but it is important that you hire a professional plumber after proper research so that you will get the best quality services from the experts in the field. As plumbing system is a complicated task, you need expert skills and experienced professionals for this task. They have the most useful set of tools and know-how that is needed for handling all kinds of plumbing problems in the most efficient manner so that you will enjoy complete peace of mind. The selection of the plumber involves making a sound decisions with regards to the right person you need for the job so that you can rest assured that your plumbing job will be completed efficiently. The best plumbing company will help you to live in a clean, hygienic and healthy environment so that you will not suffer from any kind of health issues. Thus, as soon as you find any kind of problem with the plumbing system, you need to hire a plumber who will identify the problem and look for the best course of action for dealing with the problem.

Professional plumbers are trained and skilled in handling even the most serious plumbing job so that there will not be any kind of damage to your plumbing component and equipment. When you act immediately for repairing the plumbing problem, you will be able to reduce the overall costs of repairs and it will also minimize the property damage. The plumbers have expertise and experience in repairing all kind of plumbing system, so that you can rest assured that regardless of the problem, these professionals will offer you the best quality of services. They will make use of the latest and most effective methods and techniques for completing the plumbing work so that you can be rest assured that your plumbing system will work as efficiently as before. They will also be able to solve the most complex problem with ease and within a short span of time, so that you can easily use their experience for solving the problem. You will get expert advice from these plumbers who will look at all kinds of their problems effectively for repairing and replacing the problem quickly. Hiring professional plumber is the most economical option for your property because when the problem is resolved earlier, you can be rest assured that you will enjoy using the plumbing system efficiently. It is considered as a valuable investment for your property because the issues will be resolved from the roots so that it does not increase the overall repairs and replacement costs.

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